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Dirt City Music: Kids That Rock Program

Updated: Feb 8

Our first program at Dirt City Music and maybe our most important.

Dirt City Music Association has many great programs we help produce and fund, but the Kids That Rock Program was our first. This is the one that lead to the idea to create an association and work towards funding more programs, camps and scholarships. This one is simple too! Our Officers and Board have formed close relationships with several local studios and businesses that offer after school programs, performance lessons, private lessons, and summer camps. Through those relationships we are able to offer top quality services to students that may not be able to fully afford them. Some students are fully sponsored while others are able to pay some and our association covers the remainder. It's a combination of the generosity of the local businesses, our volunteers, and your dollars that make this type of thing possible.


Simply click on this button and donate. We have great arrangements that allow us to get kids into programs immediately. There is no shortage of students needing just a bit of financial assistance in order to participate in life changing programs. The programs we support are for students grades K through 12. All information is kept confidential and we adhere to very strict security protocol to ensure the students privacy. Students simply show up, participate and learn. No one knows if anyone is a sponsored student or not.

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